Saturday, May 5, 2012

Guandu, looking for Sacred Ibis

The day I went to the Guandu plains it was raining so bad, I had to wear 2 layers of rainclothing to stay dry.
I had read on a trip report it could be crowded, because many school trips went there, but Monday was usually quiet. I found out why: The Guandu Nature Center was closed on Mondays. I could have gone back, but I decided to walk around the premises, an area that is outside the reserve and has some bird-watching fascilities (!) The first hours I didn't see much out of the usual. (Prinia's Cisticola's and Chinese Bulbuls) except for an enormous amount of Black-crowned Night Herons. They seemed to be everywhere!
Cattle Egret, Magpies and Myna's were also noted, but they didn't come out much during the rain. By the end of the afternoon it cleared a bit and I started seeing the Ibis flying over toward their nesting ground in the mangroves.

Sacred Ibis ,トキ

Guandu Temple


Friday, May 4, 2012

Guandu again, トキ

When I returned the next day the rain had stopped. I could now enter the nature center and I was quite impressed with the set-up. Bird-watching shelters on every corner, with mosquito screens and even a swivel stand for scopes and cameras. In the main building there were several strong scopes set up and assistance from knowledgeable staff was available. There were drinks in a cafeteria and souvenirs in a shop that sold things from T-shirts to guide books, binoculars and outdoor clothing. Eco-tourism is doing well!

Sacred Ibis   in the field, トキ

Mynas and Starlings were well represented

Javan Myna:


picking insects between the hairs of cattle

Black-collared Starling nesting pair:


 in the far distance, a Taiwan endemic subspecies Crested Myna:

Finally some decent pics of the 
 Taiwan (or Mueller's) Barbet


A young bird, maybe Chinese Grey Shrike?

I had not brought a macro lense, but could not resist this dragonfly.